Thursday 7 April 2016

10 Signs You Maybe Depressed

We all have bad days. You’ve most likely heard friends and acquaintances say they they are “depressed,” and maybe you have said it yourself, but do know what real depression is? Feeling down about a lost softball game or a ding in the door of your new car is not true depression. In fact, those that have not experienced true depression cannot possibly imagine what it feels like. Depression is a medical condition, and those afflicted should seek treatment as soon as possible. Check out these signs of real depression, and please seek help as soon as possible if you recognize these symptoms in yourself. because every 30 seconds, someone somewhere commits suicide due to depression. Don't ignore these 10 signs.

1. Loss of Interest

Depression gradually saps the “you” out of you. Those who are truly depressed lose interest in almost everything, and just getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle. If you find that your favorite time of day is bedtime, because you can go to sleep and escape your sadness, it’s a pretty sure sign of genuine depression.

2. Hopelessness

Another sign of depression is a feeling of hopelessness. Those that are seriously depressed are often unable to imagine that anything good will happen in the future. Depression is often like a vicious cycle. The belief that nothing good will ever happen only worsens the feelings of depression.

3. Crying A Lot

This doesn’t happen to everyone who is depressed, in fact, some people reach a point where they are so depressed that they are “beyond crying.” However, someone who cries a lot could be suffering from depression, especially they are suffering from other common symptoms.

4. Anxiety

Feelings of anxiety often go hand-in-hand with depression. Prolonged periods of anxiety can often lead to depression, making anxiety a kind of “gateway condition” to depression. Both anxiety and depression can be debilitating, and combining the two can make matters much worse.

5. Sleep Problems

Abnormal sleeping patterns can also be an indication of depression. The inability to sleep well or sleeping too much both could be signs of depression. As mentioned previously, sleep is often an escape that is chosen by people who are depressed.

6. Focus and Concentration

Depression very often makes it extremely difficult for someone to focus on a particular task. It may also become hard to concentrate on simple, everyday tasks like reading or using a computer.

7. Weight Changes

People often react differently to depression. Some may try to soothe their feelings by overeating, while others may find that their appetite is diminished. Anxiety is often associated with weight loss since being “revved up” all the time tends to cause some people to “burn off” body weight.

8. Irritability

Sometimes depression causes people to lash out in response to circumstances that would not normally disturb them. Since depression is so often associated with low self-esteem and a tendency to be over-critical of oneself, those feelings can spill over and be projected onto others as well.

9. Sex Drive

When we said that people with serious depression often lose interest in almost everything, we do mean everything. That includes sex. Depression can be all-encompassing, and can override just about every other desire or emotion, including the desire to be intimate.

And lastly

10. Suicidal Thoughts

For those suffering from severe depression, it can feel to them like it will never end. It feels like a trap that they are unable to escape. Sadly, some decide to opt for the ultimate escape by ending their own lives. Thoughts of suicide should never be ignored, and is a sure sign that a person needs to seek help immediately.

credit: oddorwhat,com

So please help someone today by sharing this post to friends, who knows you might have someone it will be useful!!!!

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